The performance of most organisations will be influenced heavily by the performance of the Top Team and the functional management teams placed across the business.
Examples of the Team Development interventions we offer include:
- Systematic assessment of team dynamics and performance.
- Events to facilitate top performance.
- Analysis of team competencies and preferences, using psychometrics such as the TMSDI® (Team Management Profile) or MBTI® (Myers Briggs Type Indicator).
- Facilitation of ‘difficult’ team issues through to resolution.
At Azure, we are highly skilled in facilitating events that will maximise the impact of your team. Whether during a half day session or over a longer period of time, Azure will help you and your team come together in a constructive manner to analyse issues, assess options and reach true shared agreements to action. We will work closely with you to ensure your Executive Team is operating at a strategic level, and enable you to cascade this effectiveness throughout the rest of your organisation. Our facilitators are highly trained in analysing how teams fit together, and will work with you to provide practical solutions which, if implemented, will provide tangible benefits to the running or your organisation.
At Azure, we will ensure all members of your team are aware of each other’s strengths and preferences, pulling together in the same direction and successfully working towards your organisational goals.
To see how we can achieve this, please click the button below to make an enquiry.