I believe every individual is truly unique and love spending time working with people to determine how they can put their unique talents into practice in their everyday work. Most people are capable of so much more than they think they are but upbringing, education and many work places have managed to knock that belief out of people. A huge part of my job is to help people find that belief and confidence and I find the results hugely inspiring! Another large part of my work is helping teams to face up to their challenges and say the difficult things that nobody wants to say, but done in the right way can make a massive difference to the way they operate.
I started my career in Hospitality Management but soon changed that to one where I was developing others on a full time basis. I am a qualified coach and mentor, experienced facilitator and expert in leadership development and I also love the qualifications we run to help others to qualify as coaches. Having started Azure with Sue in 2002, we have never looked back and I believe our success is down to the huge effort we put into building fantastic relationships with our clients. I class myself as privileged to have a job that I love so much.
Out of work, my husband and I love to walk, I find gardening really therapeutic and I’m a big ‘foodie’, both cooking lovely food and eating it in all the myriad of great restaurants we have around West and North Yorkshire and indeed abroad too. I am also a proud stepmother to an amazing young man who has become a commercial pilot in the last couple of years. I am a massive advocate of mindfulness that I believe is absolutely essential in the current fast paced world in which we live and bring this into my work wherever it’s appropriate.