An oft-quoted statistic from research by McKinsey & Company states that 70% of large change programmes within organisations fail. Whilst at first glance this is quite astonishing, if we think back to major changes at work throughout our lives and the reactions of people when change is forced upon them, we can start to see why this statistic might not be that surprising.
There are plenty of reasons why change projects are likely to fail. Everything from failure to craft a clear enough vision for the change, developing support from key stakeholders, and motivating employees to sustain the change over an extended period of time are some of the main reasons we hear from clients as to why their previous change projects haven’t succeeded.
Fully aware of this, Stonewater approached Azure Consulting for help with an upcoming major change project. Stonewater ( are a leading national provider of quality social housing and services for people in housing need. After Azure facilitated a two day ‘Leading Change’ workshop for over 40 managers, Stonewater felt they needed an efficient way of disseminating the learning throughout the organisation, and asked us to design and deliver a ‘change toolkit’. The toolkit contains tools to help anyone responsible for leading and managing the transition through a change process, including Project Sponsors, Business Change Leads, Project Managers and anyone else involved with a change project. Comprising of five sections (“Creating a Vision for the Future”, “Motivating the Change”, “Developing Support”, “Managing Transition” and “Sustaining Momentum”) with numerous tools in each section, the toolkit is designed to be extremely user friendly, so any Stonewater employee can pick an appropriate tool, quickly read the instructions, and with no previous knowledge or background of the tool, immediately be able to use it with their teams or other stakeholders.
If you are interested in making your next change project as successful as possible, then start a conversation with us here.
October 2018